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The Amazing Spider-Man in 3D
A full reboot of the Spider-Man franchise, putting Peter Parker back in high school. The Amazing Spider-Man is the story of Peter Parker (Garfield), an outcast high schooler who was abandoned by...  View more >

Starring Andrew Garfield, Emma Stone, Rhys Ifans...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jul 7, 2012
Jul 7, 2012
Well, if you like Superhero movies you've gotta see this on the big screen. I thought that this movie was pretty impressive.

I liked how the character of Peter Parker was developed in this movie. Spiderman was born in a very believable way. Andrew Garfield did a good job with this character. Emma Stone was good as Gwen and showed both a tough and sensitive side. Dennis Leary, Martin Sheen and Sally Field also provided a lot of star power to this story.

This movie remains interesting throughout. It does have some downfalls such as some secondary characters like the school bully making what seems like a ridiculous 180 degree turnaround. The CGI on the Lizard Man's face just didn't seem quite convincing. However, there were some spectacular special effects in many other parts of the movie.

Though she is lovely and a beloved veteran actress, multiple close ups of Sally Field without make-up just aren't necessary.

It all seemed a bit cheesy and predictable in parts, but it was better than good overall in my opinion, so I would say go see it. The good parts far outweigh the bad parts. The reboot with fresh faces was refreshing and due for sure. It looks like there will be a sequel and I bet that will be worth seeing as well.
Jul 10, 2012
Not that amazing. "The Amazing Spider-Man" has it moments which includes lots special effects and seeing Emma Stone's dresses which is probaby the only thing that I like in this movie, But this reboot movie doesn't come close to the series in the 2000's. Andrew Garfried gives little life to the web swinger. Must I had to sit though his orgin again? Thge film's villain, the Lizard is a secondary villain. He looks too much like The Incredibe Hulk. Sally Field is miscast as Aunt May. If you ask me, I'm not ready to see her play old roles. Not yet anyway. I saw her in "Smokey and the Bandit" nand she is grogeous. Recently, I saw her in the AFI Lifetime Achievement Award and she looks great. After seeing "The Amazing Spider-Man," I went to see the "The Avengers" for the second time and this movie is far better than what than what I saw.
Jul 12, 2012
A little slow at times, but I enjoyed the story as a whole. Seen in 2D.
Jul 13, 2012
This was a great movie, compared to the old version of spiderman, I'd say that both movies are great in different ways. A big difference is that in this new spiderman movie, it's a bit funnier. The new Peter Parker kind of fools around more with the enemies and other people.

Overall, it was very funny. This movie has tons of action too, so I would most definitely recommend watching this movie in the theaters before it's too late.
Jul 14, 2012
I wanted to like this movie more than I did. Extremely slow starting movie as nothing really seems to get going until after the first hour. And it is, as another review states, another version of the origin of Spiderman with some minor changes.

With regards to action and special effects I usually recommend you see movies like this on the big screen, but not this time. Most of the action, special effects and CGI integrated into this film occurs at a very fast speed. They really need to start slowing down the action scenes in these films. It seems as when they put these action scenes together, everything happen SO FAST that you just can't seem to physically/visually take it all in. That's why I recommend you rent it so you can replay some of the scenes over and in slow motion as I know I'm missing something in the theater.

Also I watch this is 3 D which I figured if 3 D was ever going to impress me, it would in this film, but didn't. I think I'll give up on 3 D movies until they can come up with movies that project 3 D similar to the examples projected before movies start. I don't rate this Spiderman as good as the first 3.

Nothing really new here. I just say rent it if you want to enjoy it at all.
Aug 13, 2012
Sep 25, 2012
Nov 11, 2012
Great action terrific story line I would recommend this to all ages a feel good movie!!!

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