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Sex and the City 2
The fun, the fashion, the friendship: "Sex and the City 2" brings it all back and more as Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Samantha (Kim Cattrall), Charlotte (Kristin Davis) and Miranda (Cynthia Nixon)...  View more >

Starring Sarah Jessica Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

May 29, 2010
Jun 3, 2010
"Sex and the City 2" is just another worthless sequel featuring more of the same. Four girls sitting around talking about stuff that will put people to sleep. Wearing dresses that worth ten times as much than you find at "Goodwill." Watching these four women talk. is like watching ice melt. These women aren't wroth my time or anyone's time. All those stories on those entertainment shows that is connected to the movie, I find unintersting and boring. These women need to get a life. The first half of the movie, they attended a gay wedding, that doesn't add up to anything. Lisa Minnelli and her back-up singers singing a terrible version of "Single Ladies." Charlotte's kids are annoying. Her mother would rather care about the expensive dresses than about their kids' well-being. The only character I like is the nanny, played by Alice Eve. I wish I was kidding. Then in the second half of this two hour thirty minute snoozefest, they went to Abu Dhabi to munch on the feebies. I don't know why they made SATC 2; they probaby made it to fill dead air time on nightly entertainment shows. Foe some reason, they succeeded. In one scene where Samantha and Miley Cyrus were caught wearing the same dress on the red carpert. Who Wore it Better? I pick Miley Cyrus over Samantha.
Aug 12, 2010
I am so in love with Sex in the City and I waited so long for this to come ou.t These ladies could have sat around and looked at each other for two hours and I would have loved it. If you are honestly a Sex in the City fan then you need to see it, solely because its like reconnecting with the girls. :)

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