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13 Going on 30
On the eve of her 13th birthday, all Jenna Rink wants is to be pretty and popular. After a humiliating experience with the coolest boy in school, Jenna makes a desperate wish for a new life....  View more >

Starring Jennifer Garner, Mark Ruffalo, Shana Dowdeswell...  View more >

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Reviews Summary

Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Apr 10, 2004
While it's much like a female version of the Tom Hanks "Big" and you may say to yourself, "haven't I seen this before?".....The question you should be asking yourself is whether or not you enjoyed the film.

I think most people will answer with a Yes. Especially teen/pre-teen girls and people in their 30's that can relate to the music.

A good film to take the family and enjoy.
Apr 23, 2004
Apr 25, 2004
Apr 29, 2004
Not only \"13 Going on 30,\" is a better movie than \"Big,\" but it brough life into the movie by Jennifer Garner. For many years I had a mixed review on \"Big\" despite many movie that said they love the movie. that film placed me in the minority. But \"13 Going on 30\" is a fun movie, and when I said a fun movie, I mean it. Take on example in the dance sequence when Jennifer was dancing to Michael Jackson\"s \"Thriller.\" This is one of the best dance sequences that I ever saw, much better than the Dance sequeance in \"Scooby Doo 2.\" Thanks to the movie Jennifer Garner has a bright future on the big screenn.
Jan 10, 2006
Is it a rip-off of the Tom Hanks movie Big? Yes.

Does Tom Hanks do a better job of acting like a kid in an adult's body than Jennifer Garner? Yes.

Is the movie predictable from the beginning? Yes.

Is it worth watching anyway? Yes.

As much as I enjoy action and scifi movies, I'm a sucker for a romantic comedy, and 13 Going on 30 does a good job of it. The one saving grace is Mark Ruffalo. If he had not been in this movie, I don't think it would have worked as well. He brought just the right amount of romance and strength into his character, which allowed Garner's character to do her stuff without tripping over herself in the process.

Recommended for lighthearted date-night material.

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