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Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Academy Award® Winner
A man is stunned to discover that his girlfriend has had the memories of their tumultuous relationship erased. Out of desperation, he contacts the inventor of the process to have her removed from his...  View more >

Starring Jim Carrey, Kate Winslet, Kirsten Dunst...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Mar 21, 2004
Mar 22, 2004
\"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind\" is more of a independant movie than a science fiction film. Jim Carey takes part in a experiment inwhich all knowedge of a bad relationship are erased though the problem is Jim is falling for the same woman that the machine had erased. Not the best Jim carey film, but it had it\'s moments. \"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind\" is the type of film that \"50 first Dates\" has always wanted to be.
Mar 25, 2004
I was disappointed. Good performances, but the story was a slight miss. Almost a \"wait for rental\".
Mar 30, 2004
Apr 4, 2004
"Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind" is one of those wonderful movies that would have wound up being largely ignored in art-house theaters were it not for its bankable star. This is easily Jim Carrey's most impressive performance yet, topping his touching turn in "The Truman Show" and his dead-on impersonation of Andy Kaufman in "Man On the Moon." He plays a depressed, disshevelled sad-sack of a man who learns that his ex-girlfriend has had him erased from his memory. Naturally, he decided to do the same thing. What follows is a surreal trip through the memories of Carrey's character as he tries desperately to salvage any trace of his beloved free-spirited girlfriend from the procedure.

Anyone going expecting to see Carrey pulling his rubber-faced antics will be disappointed that they are not presented, but will still be riveted by the movie. Carrey has a few silly moments, but for the most part he's kept on a leash and does a wonderful job. Kate Winslet, as his girlfriend Clementine, is incredibly endearing. Elijah Wood, as a somewhat creepy technician, shakes off the dust of Middle Earth impressively. The rest of the cast does a good, if not outstanding, job with what little screen time they are given.

Walking into the theater, I was expecting a lot more bizarre-ness than I got, which isn't a bad thing. "Sunshine" was never hard to follow; all of its weirdness makes sense in a twisted sort of way. What amazed me so much was that a movie that took place largely inside the head of one of the characters could keep its relationships so honest. The main relationship, between Carrey and Winslet, is one of the best screen pairings I've seen a long, long while. One of the final scenes, in which Carrey, resigned, apologizes to his memory of Clementine as the memory of an entire house is erased around them, almost (almost!) made me cry, and I have never cried in a movie before.

Simply awesome. See it now. Love it. Tell your friends. **** out 4.
May 6, 2004
May 27, 2012

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