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John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars
175 years into the future, a Mars mining operation uncovers a long-dormant Martian civilization whose warriors are unleashed and systematically ridding the planet of the "invaders" from Earth. Police...  View more >

Starring Natasha Henstridge, Ice Cube, Clea Duvall...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Aug 26, 2001
I hate to use the rating stay away, but in this case it fits the bad story was only outdone by the bad acting. NIGHT OF THE ZOMBIES in space.

Save your money for popcorn at the next movie.
[--- Good ---]by  
Aug 29, 2001
I personally like this movie alot. But i also loved the soundtrack and I also like blood and gore movies.

Yes the plot was pretty weak, but if you like slice and dice movies, (Freddy,Jason,Mike Myers). You will love this movie.
Aug 29, 2001
"John Carpenter's Ghost of Mars" is the best film from Carpenter in years.

This maybe a little shocking to believe, but "Ghost of Mars" has come off more of a western than a horror film. Think of the 1959 movie "Last Train from Gun Hill" set on the planet of Mars.

It's the year 2176 and a group of police officers went to the red planet to bring back a killer, played by Ice Cube. But first they must face a group of savage monsters.

"Ghost of Mars" is the better of the two western, the other is the lame "American Outlaws" which I saw a week ago. It's nice to see Joanna Cassidy again. I missed her on the big screen. the Heroine of this film, Natasha Henstridge, has me thinking of Sigourney Weaver in the four Alien movies.
[--- Good ---]by  
Sep 3, 2001
I fun, exciting, thril ride of a movie. Too gorey for most. I saw a few older couples leave the theatre, I sometimes I wondered why I went to it with a girl??? Stupid me, I'm not going to get any action that way.

This is a guy movie, It was not made for young children(0-13), or most women. It definitly earns it's R rating.

I was kind of hoping for N. Henstrige to get laid, she finaly was going to, but something inturups them. HMMMMMMMMMMMM, RIGHT

All and ALL, it was a fun kill them all movie with very little brains.
Just the way I like them.

Also, it is a high budget "B" movie.

It's worth Budget Cinemas, or rental, but not 8.50.
[--- Stay Away! ---]by  
Sep 3, 2001
first off the bat, this movie is unoriginal.. second of all, it's starring ice cube. any movie that has ice cube as the lead cast, it can't be that great of a movie.

this movie is only good if you are one for cheap thrills and violence. i rate this movie 1 out of 4 stars.

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