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The Shallows
Nancy (Blake Lively) is surfing alone on a secluded beach when she is attacked by a great white shark and stranded just a short distance from shore. Though she is only 200 yards from her survival,...  View more >

Starring Blake Lively, Oscar Jaenada

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Jun 26, 2016
The Shallows is a film directed by Jaume Collet-Serra, and stars Blake Lively, a Great White Shark, and a Seagull. The story revolves around Nancy (Lively), a medical school student who's mother recently passed away. In order to get some alone time, she traveled to her mother's favorite beach in Mexico, called "Paradise." She spends her time swimming and surfing on the beach, but disaster strikes when she is attacked by a Great White Shark after accidentally swimming into its hunting grounds. She is stranded on a rock that is about to be taken by the high tide with nobody but a seagull to keep her company. It becomes a tension-filled race between her will to fight and the sharks will to eat. Overall, the movie was good. It is a simple premise with simple characters, a simple plot, and a simple setting. However, simplicity isn't bad in this case. A thrilling, tense ride of a movie. There were definitely some cringe-worthy moments in the movie. In fact, I was a bit surprised it wasn't rated R due to the moments of blood, gore, violence, and intense sequences. One such moment had Nancy performing emergency First-Aid on herself after the initial attack. This scene rivaled the self-cauterization scene from The Revenant (2015). Lively delivered a believable and layered performance. I only have two complaints about the film. The first is the shaky cam. Many camera shots are unnecessarily shaky and muddled. It's understandable when the shark is actually attacking, or in the few first person shots, but when Nancy is just walking along the beach and the camera is following her shaking, it takes away from the movie itself. The second complaint I have is just a pet peeve of mine. When a character in a movie is on their phone, tablet, watching tv, or using some other form of technology and what they're seeing comes up on the screen as though the audience is seeing it too, it bothers me. I wish over-the-shoulder shots or other means of getting the same message across were used instead of putting the audience right into the Skype conversation or text conversation or images that the character is seeing. To me, it makes the film seem too synthetic. All in all, The Shallows wasn't ground breaking cinema, but it was still an intense, thrilling film.
Jul 7, 2016
"The Shadows" is a messy mash up of two Steven Spielberg movies; "Jaws" and "Duel." Blake Lively looks good in a bikini, but can't do anymore. she is up against a giant shark after he killed two other friends while they're surfing.the movie has some good moments, but i didn't get much out of this movie. The only thing that i like out of this movie is a seagull.

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