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Based on Veronica Roth's #1 New York Times best-selling novel, DIVERGENT is an action thriller set in a futuristic world where society has been divided into five factions. As each person approaches...  View more >

Starring Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Mar 21, 2014
If you count yourself a fan of the Divergent series of books, you've probably already seen the movie, as it had advance shows last night, and you might be making plans to see it again. The series seems to have a similar appeal with the pre-teen/teenaged crowd that The Hunger Games had before it, and Harry Potter before that.

The big question for many is, if you've not read the books, is the movie worth seeing? Since I have not read the books, I can provide a definitive "yes" answer to that question. I'm even well out of the target demographic for the Divergent series, so if you aren't in your teens any more, don't worry. There's plenty of enjoyment to be had, as it has not been geared so much towards a younger age group that enjoyment by others is nigh impossible.

Since I am related to several big fans of the books, I had a pretty good idea of the basic storyline. Teenaged girl living in a future dystopic version of Chicago has reached the age where she has to choose her path in life, with no second chances. This being a dystopic society, there are all kinds of dire consequences for her actions, and an innocent teenager must grow quickly into a fierce confident adult if she is to survive. Throw in some villains with aspirations of power, and a bunch of other teenagers in the same situation, and you have the makings for a hit.

But does it succeed? Especially in the shadow of the second Hunger Games movie a few months ago, with the third coming in November?

Yes, yes it does. I was impressed by the story, the performances, and the visualization of a future, bleak, Chicago and a society that is ordered, but a little oppressed. Even though it appeals to the same crowd as The Hunger Games, it's different enough and good enough to stand on its own.

The die-hard fans in the group lamented that some things were changed and that some characters weren't what they imagined, but that's always the case. Books are books, and movies are movies, and each can be enjoyed for what they have to offer.

I definitely recommend seeing this movie. Some of the scenes really take advantage of the big screen (the view overlooking the top of the Hancock building is pretty good), and if the crowd is into the movie like last night's was, it can make for an experience that you'll never get at home.
Mar 22, 2014

Divergent has a strong plot and the actors did very well in portraying their respective characters. One thing to watch out for is that the characters of Al, Will, and Peter (you will be introduced to them throughout the movie) look very similar and are hard to keep straight. This would probably not be a good movie for people 11 or under to see because of the violence and other more mature topics in the movie.
Mar 25, 2014
"Divergent" is a fairly good movie, but not as good as the much better Hunger Games series. I never read the books which based on the series, but I did enjoy the movie. The film takes place in Chicago where the city is divided into five groups of people. The film centers on a young girl named Tris, played by Shailene Woodly who is reculted into one of the groups, a young free spirited who jumps off raikls car and over buildings. The film takes her though basis training and ends up being one of the fighters for something that she doesn't beleive in. I like thew movie because I like the way Chicago is protrayed in the movie and I like the way Woodly played her character. Some people will compare her to Jennifer Lawrence character of Katiness in the Hunger Games movies. forget it. She is miles away from Katiness. She's plays a different character and not a carbon copy of Katiness. She is the center of the movie and she did well. I also like the performance of Zoe Kravitz. I'm glad to see her on the big screen again. I like the movie despite negative reviews. So ignore them and see the movie.
Mar 27, 2014
Apr 3, 2014
I have not read the books but now I intend to. I went to see this movie with a group of women and was not especially thrilled this was the one that was picked. But I really enjoyed it and liked it better than the Hunger Games movies (although I did read those books b/4 the movie). Very entertaining movie! B+
Apr 14, 2014
Good but does not compare to the book. But that true with almost all novel based movies. Although it does have many well played parts. But the downside is that it might be somewhat predictable to even those who haven't read the books.
Jul 12, 2014
Saw it 2x in theaters & <3'd it both times!!!

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