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Legends of Oz: Dorothy's Return
Dorothy's only just returned home from her first incredible journey to Oz, but she's already being called back for another adventure! After waking to post-tornado Kansas, Dorothy (Lea Michele) and...  View more >

Starring Lea Michele, Martin Short, Dan Aykroyd...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Oct 7, 2014
A Mess! This film has no Brains, no heart, no nerve and lacks a home in theatres after few weeks. The movie made it to theatres in May and it left after only a few week. the film then reappear this past week at Celebration Cinema Crossroads as part of the Flick Family Film Festival and since it return to theatres for only one week, I decided to take in on a screening at I walk away with my glass half-full. Written by Roger Stanton Baun the grandson of C. Frank Brum, the movie tells of the events after the events of the 1939 movie.Dorothy's house is damage from the torando and a people are forced nto movie from their damaged home and Dorothy suspects smoething, but before she does anything she gets wisk back to Oz. What I like about the movie, (and it may be the only thing that I didn't give it a Stay Away is the perfromance of Lea Michele. She nailed it as the voice of Dorothy Gale. She brough life into her character and she not only the best thing in the movie, but it's the only thing that I like in the film. Dorothy aside, I though the movie got a little dark ( which explain the PG rating), but th Jester is not a crediable villain. He is voice by Martin Short, but by the sound of his voice, he sounded like it was voiced by Conan O'Brain. Towards the end of the movie the Jester starting to look a little like the Joker in "The Dark Knight." That walk down the yellow brick road seems a little dud from the 1939 movie which is much better. The cloest thing to the power and inspiration of the 1939 classic "TheWizard of Oz" and I'm not talking about the prequel "Oz:The Great and Powerful" is the underrated movie "Epic." which is the clkoest thing that any movie will come to the 1939 classic.

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