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The true story of the infamous Bondurant Brothers: bootlegging siblings who made a run for the American Dream in Prohibition-era Virginia. In this epic outlaw tale, inspired by true-life tales of...  View more >

Starring Shia LaBeouf, Tom Hardy, Jessica Chastain...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Sep 6, 2012
There's not much to like about "Lawless." It's has a great cast, but they along with the movie has been played down to the bloody violence in the movie. It's based on the true story about the Bondurant Brothers, a group of moonshiners who distribute moonshine thoughout the dirt roads of Virgina during the final days of Probration. There are corrupt cops who wanted to stop their operation. Like I say before, there's not much to like about this movie. Shai LaBout may be the only performer I like. He needs more roles to get away from his terrible performances in the last two Transformers movies. Sure, it's based on a true story and this sort of history needs to ber told, but the second-rate acting and the bloody violence did the film in.
There was a pretty good cast and lots of action, but this movie had no depth. I felt like I was watching a longer version of the trailer. It trudged on with little or no direction. Gary Oldman had a convincing character. I liked the Special Detective from Chicago and how he added to the story. The rest was kind of blah.
Nov 11, 2012
This movie was excellent in my opionion it should have got more attention... Its story line is spot on and it shows you the meaning of family and family loyalty and trust!!! One of the best films i seen all year... its for more of a an adult adience for some of the violence but it is a heart felt and emotionsl rolercoaster i cried i laughed and even some parts made me very angry... just a great film and great acting!!! Well worth every penny I would tell anyone who is interested in the history of bootlegging and moomshinning to go see this you will NOT be disappointed!!! Fricken Awsm!!! I give this 2 thumbs up and a 5 star rating *****
Nov 24, 2012

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