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In the future, time travel will be invented – but it will be illegal and only available on the black market. When the mob wants to get rid of someone, they will send their target 30 years into...  View more >

Starring Bruce Willis, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Emily Blunt...  View more >

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Please Note: Reader Reviews are submitted by the readers of The BigScreen Cinema Guide and represent their own personal opinions regarding this movie, and do not represent the views of The BigScreen Cinema Guide, or any of its associated entities.

Looper was a clever movie with a great cast and fine acting. The story is compelling and tragic and endearing. It speaks to the human condition and it stays interesting all the way through. If you like quirky sci-fi then go see it on the big screen.
Oct 2, 2012
A science fiction movie which is a cross between "The Time Machine" and "The Godfather." The mob use a time machine to send people to be wracked. Joseph Gordon-Levitt plays the hit man who shoot their victims and dispose of the bodies. Bruce willis plays the Gordon-Levitt character sent back by the mob and his life was changed. If you think the time machine is the center of this movie, you're wrong. the center of thius movie is a small child with super powersa who could play a difference in the future. Emily Blunt is in this movie. She can play Drama just as good. It's one of the best science fiction movies to come out of fall.
Oct 3, 2012
Well acted, well written, well directed. A time travel movie that doesn't make your head hurt simply trying to figure out the plot, but at the same time gives you things to think about when the movie is over. Easily the best movie of the fall season so far.
Oct 6, 2012
You can read all about what others think about Looper somewhere else. Here is the big question that the movie asks: Is murder ever OK?

Let's suppose you could travel back in time and you go to Passau, Germany. It is 1893. You look up the family of Alois and Klara. You meet their only son also. He is four years old. You ask them if they could rent you a small room for a month or so. They agree and take you into their home.

Their little boy is a real sweet kid, but you know something no one else knows. This child will be directly responsible for the deaths of millions of people. Horrible things will happen because everyone will let him do whatever he wants and this will all start to take place in less then 20 years. His name is Adolph. His last name Hitler.

After a few weeks you decide to go with your plan. You wait quietly until the family is asleep. You sneak into little Adolph’s room. You pick up a pillow and press it down covering his face. He moves a little but soon becomes completely still. He is dead and you have killed him, but you have saved millions of people from dying at the hand of this little boy.

Would you do this deed? Would you murder someone many years before they committed a crime? That is the question you will have to answer by the time Looper is over.
Oct 17, 2012
Using time travel as a plot device can make a movie confusing and even comical if it's not done well. If you think about going back in time and the ramifications you could have on the future of that past, it can mess with your head and create confusion that will cloud your enjoyment of the movie.

Fortunately, Looper handles it pretty well, and as a result, it's probably the best sci-fi movie in a long time to use time travel as a plot device.

As the title implies, when you go back in time and meet your former self and exist in the same place and time, there can be consequences. You're literally creating a loop; one that the bad guys of the future figure will play out cleanly for all involved, except for the future you when you are sent back in time to be executed by the younger version of yourself. What happens when the loop isn't closed is the premise of this movie.

Confused yet? Don't worry, the narration provides the exposition you'll need to understand it, but it requires you to pay attention, and to buy into the scenario. If you start wondering about too much, like how time travel devices can transport you not only in time, but also across continents, you'll lose sight of the plot and it will leave you behind.

I enjoy mind-bending movies, so I didn't have any problem with the back-and-forth sequences as well as the immediate ramifications on the future version of the protagonist caused by the events in the movie. For example, the mere act of going back in time and meeting your younger self would impact your entire timeline and the choices that younger version of you would make, which would change who you are and the people you met in the future. Rather than ignore it, the movie actually addresses it, which was cool.

Looper is one of those movies that you probably enjoy on different levels the more times you watch it. The first time, you're just trying to keep up. I would imagine that the second time, you would look at things differently, because you know how it's going to end. The director has made a running commentary track that you can listen to while watching the movie, so there's another way to experience it, and it would probably open up some things about the movie that you hadn't considered previously.

All in all, an intelligent movie that was executed very well. The addition of the director's commentary means that you could see it several times and get something new from it each time. Those are impressive feats, and that's why I'm giving Looper a "See Now!" rating.
Oct 18, 2012
Jan 14, 2013

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